
How Scotland could have “the cheapest electricity in Europe”

Power companies are regularly paid millions of pounds to turn off wind turbines in Scotland - while at the same time the UK electricity systems operator spends more millions on importing far more expensive electricity from the national power companies of France and Norway. That waste makes bills for Scottish businesses far higher than they need to be - but without independence, we have to wait for the UK to update the system.

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The Hallmark of the UK Economy is Stagnation

A new paper released yesterday by the Resolution Foundation gives an in depth look at the depth of economic stagnation the UK economy has faced since the 2007/08 Financial Crisis. The paper offers a list of possible solutions to the UK’s frankly horrendous economic performance over the last decade and a half, including recommendations to increase public investment to levels more in line with other G7 countries. However, assumed Prime Minister in-waiting, Keir Starmer has said that anyone expecting Labour to “quickly turn on the spending taps” will be “disappointed”.

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