
Why Westminster doesn't want Scotland to have full fiscal responsibility

A lot people are confused by full fiscal responsibility (FFR), what it means, how long it would take to implement and how it would impact on Scotland’s fiscal deficit. I want FFR largely as I think that the more localised the decision making within an economy and society, the more beneficial the decisions made will be. These benefits will “trickle up” to a more advantaged national economic performance. The best way to run the UK is to move towards increased devolution and federalism; each region and nation reaching the optimum level of devolution and independence for their region’s wellbeing. If Scotland then chose independence, then the UK currency zone and common market becomes a confederation, like the best bits of the European common market.

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Westminster caught illegally orchestrating business scare stories

Co-ordinated scare mongering reaches fever pitch.

David Cameron, after deciding to stay out of the referendum debate 'til the last few weeks, has suddenly realised the result is running away from them.  In what was described in the media as a “panicked move” he and the other Westminster political leaders abandoned Prime Ministers Question Time (PMQs) to campaign in Scotland.

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