New figures confirm that Scotland would have been £8.3 billion better off as an independent country
Over the past 5 years Scotland's would have been £8.3 billion better off as an independent country, when taking account of the new report published into Scotland's finances today.
10 economic benefits for a wealthier independent Scotland
In January Business for Scotland published 10 key economic facts that made it clear that Scotland is a wealthy nation. The facts show that Scotland is already in a stronger economic and fiscal position than the UK as a whole.
Westminster takes absurd position on Scotland's oil
David Cameron and his Cabinet colleagues are in Aberdeen today explaining that Westminster believes an independent Scotland couldn't realise the potential of the oil industry unless it stays in the UK.
Controlling our future: Scottish fishing and the need for independence
It is difficult to imagine that there is any connection between the success of a country’s economic strategy and Scotland’s fishing industry. But there is and it’s a salient lesson.
Independence will generate a £109,000,000,000 asset windfall for Scotland
An independent Scotland will inherit a fair share of the UK's £1.3 trillion assets. This is of huge significance. These assets will generate a huge economic windfall for the people of Scotland of £109 billion. It will make Scotland far wealthier and allow us to reshape our institutions' towards priorities that suit Scotland.
10 facts about Scotland's oil and independence
Amongst all the political spin and manoeuvring, sometimes ordinary business people struggle to establish the facts about an independent Scotland. Business for Scotland want to get straight to the heart of the important questions concerning next year's referendum.
Where does Scotland’s wealth go?
Where does Scotland’s wealth go (if it doesn't stay here)?
It's a simple question but not one often asked, probably as most economics bloggers like myself get bogged down in numbers and over-complicate the issue
The Scottish Pound and the Illusion of English Money
Scotland and the rest of UK are currently joined by not just one union, but dozens of unions, these include: political, economic, trade, social, defence, in my case a family union, and the topic of the week, the currency union. Some of these unions work and some don't, some work for one country, and not the others, and some still work for all countries.