- How would you like to rapidly increase your ability to win support for Scottish independence?
- Do you want to develop the skills, knowledge, answers and techniques to convert as many people as possible to Believe in Scotland and get the support you need to convert more?
- Do you find it frustrating when you win arguments but don’t win votes?
- Do you spend time on social media and wonder how effective you have been at convincing people that Scotland should be an independent nation?
Well, if you answered “yes” to any of the above then you will benefit from joining the Believe in Scotland Independence Ambassador Programme and be part of a community of over 600 Independence Ambassadors.
Ambassador training in Aberdeen
It’s time to start campaigning for Independence again. Westminster is undermining democracy because they are scared that a second referendum would be successful, so we need to start convincing people now and increase support for independence to levels at which we can win it.
BfS has redeveloped and vastly improved our highly effective Ambassador Programme from 2014, but this time it’s not just for business people. Instead, it is available to the whole of the Yes movement. Essentially, we want to train 1,000 independence supporters in the state-of-the-art voter conversion techniques we have developed.
We want to create a small army of professional Yes vote winners in every town and city in Scotland and supply them with the information, materials, funding, advice and support needed to move Scotland closer to independence.
This year, we will be hosting several Believe in Scotland Independence Ambassador training programmes across Scotland. We will be announcing dates and locations very soon.
Our Independence Ambassador Training Programme starts with online community engagement and offers about 10 hours of online training using videos and online learning tools. So far, more than 600 people have signed-up to be Believe in Scotland Independence Ambassadors.
What does it cost?
If you own and run a business, we charge £75.00 + Vat for the training. However, we want to get as many people trained up as possible so we offer this training free of charge to anyone who has donated more than £60.00 to support our campaigning activities this year. So, if you want to become an Independence Ambassador you can sign up to the programme now for whatever amount you want and either chose to pay £75.00 + VAT or if you have already made a donation just email us to book a slot on the course. Finally, you can also make a qualifying donation. The link below offers the chance to donate just £5.00 per month (£60.00 in a year) which enables you to join the programme online and attend an event near you. We hope this makes it affordable and accessible to everyone, but we do have to charge as each face to face event costs about £1,000 to put on.
Several trainers and experts will help deliver the programme and all the face to face Ambassador skills training sessions will be led by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp of BfS who has designed the programme.
The programme will teach skills such as Objection Jujitsu, Issue Bridging, Frame Recognition, Questioning, Voter Triage, Letter Writing, 2,3,1 Answers, Social Media, Messaging and Answer Framing. In short, if the vote is gettable we will help you get it.
Feedback from past event attendees:
“The Ambassador course is brilliant. It’s absolutely essential for anyone who wants the confidence and evidence to be able to debate and discuss Scottish independence.”
“Mind expanding!!! Looking at and countering the same old objections in a different way”.
Our message is that there is a big difference between winning arguments and winning people over.
Believe in Scotland Independence Ambassadors will be given independence FAQs with potential answers to all the key objections to independence, regular updates on political, economic and campaigning issues, access to an online community of Ambassadors to share best practices and access to a mobile app for information and instant rebuttals when the official campaign starts.
More feedback:
“The Ambassador programme gives a brilliant grounding in vital evidence and arguments to promote the belief that Scotland “obviously” can stand on her own two feet and flourish in the world.”
“The course also gives you specific presentation and debating techniques that you can use in your conversations with anyone – and helps you engage in debate constructively and positively.”

Ambassador training in Kirkintilloch for Yes East Dunbartonshire
Everyone who signs up to become a Believe in Scotland Independence Ambassador will also get a free copy of the Scotland the Brief Mini Book.
More feedback:
“Gain confidence in arguing the case for Scottish independence. Learn how to present your arguments in a powerful and logical manner.”
“This course offers skills and perspectives that many independence supporters will need as one of the essential elements to win indyref2 – and we need to move quickly. Do attend – as soon as you can!”
We have created a secure online community on our online learning portal (called Prosper) for all new Ambassadors, to network, learn, share best practice and ask questions. All new registrations will be added to that group within one week of signing up and you will be able to register for individual events and online training once you are a member of the Ambassador community.
Please note that joining the Ambassador community is not joining BfS. If you are interested in becoming a business member you can do that here.
Last year we hosted three events in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Kirkintilloch, and 2020 will involve several new Believe in Scotland Independence Ambassador training events. The programme not only includes face to face training, but also over 10 hours of online training through our online platform that can provide the skills to become a fully-fledged Ambassador. The online training is ideal if we haven’t held an event near you yet. It has videos, online learning tools and group activities that will improve your conversion skills.
We will be announcing more events across the country very soon. In order to keep up to date with all BfS events, joining the online community of Ambassadors, with those who have completed the training, is the best place to be. This is where our Ambassador share tips, discuss current issues, and receive updates on BfS events. To register please follow the link below.